Wednesday, September 15, 2004

What NOT to have on your website - Part 5

OK, we have reached our 5th and final day of what NOT to have on your website. Go back and Seriously take these simple suggestions into consideration because they could be what makes or breaks your website.

Alright, here is #5...

You should NOT have colored text on a colored background. This is especially true if the colors are any bit alike or if they are both bright or dark.

Some visitors to your site may not have good eyesight, others simply won't want to strain to read it, and others just may not like having color on color.

Your best bet is to keep black text on white background and have blue underlined links.

If you do have a colored background then make sure the text is very easily readable. A good way to ensure this is to always have a light background with a dark text.

Until next time... Have a great evening! Now go and make your website as user friendly as possible.

Dedicated to your success,
Trent Brownrigg

PS - Since we just got done with what NOT to have on your site. You might find this article (written by me) interesting about what you should have on it... Five Essential Traits of a Home Business Website

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