Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Top Article Directory List - Ranked Weekly

We all know that article marketing is one of the best ways to get inbound links to your website or blog to increase your search engine rankings. It's also a great way to get direct traffic and is one of the best overall internet marketing strategies out there. To put it simply, article marketing is one of the best marketing strategies to help you make money online. And it can be done completely free!

But it can take a lot of time to submit your articles so you don't want to be wasting it by submitting to worthless article directories. In order to make the most out of your article marketing efforts you will need to know what article directories to submit to.

If you have been an internet marketer for a while and have done any article marketing then you probably already have a list of top article directories to submit to (I know I have about ten different lists). However, those lists can become outdated very quickly. And if you are new to internet marketing then you probably don't have a list of directories to submit your articles.

Whichever category you fall into doesn't really matter because Mark Mason has created a list of the internet's top article directories and the rankings are updated weekly to ensure you are always up to date with the best article directories to get the most out of your article marketing efforts.

I have already bookmarked it and will be referring to it every time I am ready to submit a new article! I suggest you do the same.

Dedicated to your success,
Trent Brownrigg
Free Money Making Tips

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At 10:56 AM , Anonymous Fuerza y Fe said...

Nice find Trent, very helpful.

At 11:34 PM , Blogger Matt said...


Nice list. With all the different directories out there, one doesn't know where to start but you nailed with your post.

Internet Based Business Opportunity


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