Monday, August 06, 2007

Six Reasons Why Having a Website is Critical to Your Business

Even in this day and age where the internet is as much a part of most of our lives as anything else, there are many business owners who don't realize the importance of having a website for their business.

So, "Why is having a website so critical?" You might ask.

Here are six good reasons to have a business website:

1) A business website builds your credibility.

Your website has a large impact on how a potential customer sees you. A professional design, well written text, helpful product/service information, contact information, and other resources on your site can dramatically increase the trust people have in your company. It lets them know you are real, helpful, knowledgeable, and up with the times. If you put in the effort to develop a quality website for your business, you will have already started a relationship with your visitors.

2) A website keeps your business open 24/7 worldwide.

There are more than a billion people online around the world. Many of them are no doubt looking for what you offer in your business. By having a website, you open your business up to the whole world and an incredible amount of people who would never find you otherwise. With the click of a mouse, customers can get to your businesses website from almost anywhere at any time.

3) Websites are very powerful sales tools.

Selling your products on a website can be an amazing way to expand your business. You have an easily accessible storefront that costs virtually nothing compared to a brick and mortar store and can reach millions more people. A good sales letter can work wonders in hooking visitors on your product/service and making them buy.

Even if you can't actually sell your services directly online, a website is still a very powerful asset to your business. It can be the first step in convincing visitors of why they need your products/services. It gets them prepared to buy, and then they can contact you via your site to actually make the purchase.

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4) A website makes word of mouth referrals easy to do.

Referrals are one of the best sources for new customers. Having a website makes it easy for your customers to refer other people because they can simply send friends and business associates to your website. Website addresses are usually easier to remember than phone numbers and people are more likely to check out your site than they are to call you.

5) Websites increase the value of your advertising.

Putting your website address on all of your advertisements, business cards, and company literature is a simple, yet effective, way to draw potential customers in. Visiting a website is much easier than writing, visiting an offline business, or even calling. Customers get the information they need and don't have to wait for a real person to help them. Also, it's usually more comfortable to visit a website because there is nobody around to make them feel pressured.

6) Keep in contact with customers and potential customers.

There will frequently be people who are interested in what you have to offer, but for whatever reason they are not be ready to buy right now. If you stay in contact with them they will immediately think of you when they are ready. You can put a form on your website to collect names and email addresses from visitors. Then you can periodically send out a newsletter or other promotions via email. You can also do this with people who have already purchased from you to help encourage repeat customers.

Now you have six reasons why a website is beneficial to your business and why you should build one. There are even more reasons but those six should be more than enough to convince you to get a website and grow your business exponentially!

Home Business Information

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