Thursday, June 22, 2006

How to Profit from Blogging Like a Pro

Have you ever heard the words "blog" or "weblog" or even "online diary"? If you have been active online for the past couple years, you’ve probably heard them thousands of times.

What you may not realize is that blogging is not only one of the fastest and easiest ways to get your website indexed in search engines, but it can also be a huge source of income for you.

Blogging has actually been around for quite a few years but only up until the past 2 or 3 years have Internet marketers, become aware of how powerful blogging is.

So where do you get your blog?

You can actually find plenty of free or very cheap places to start a blog. A few of the top rated blog hosting services are, which is owned by Google, and Moveable Type. If you already have a web hosting account somewhere, that runs cPanel & Fantastic, then you're in luck, because Wordpress blog software is just a couple of mouse clicks away from installing on one of your domains.

The easiest to get started and set up your blog is probably, since they are not only free, but they have a very simple step by step process for creating your blog. The only downside to Blogger is that the features that they offer are quite limited. The upside to Blogger is that it's owned by Google, and that can't be a bad thing, if you know what I mean.

The most common way that most Internet marketers are making a profit from their blogs is by integrating Google Adsense into their blog. This is very simple to do and Blogger makes it even easier for you. You can also insert many other contextual advertisements into the blog such as Yahoo, Kanoodle, Chitika and many others as well as any other affiliate links you may have.

The other benefit to blogging is having the ability to add back links to your blog that point to your other websites. This is very important since the more imbound links that you have coming back to your websites, the better you will rank for the keywords you are promoting. You will also have to setup the proper keyword anchor links in your blog and on the pages of your websites that the links are pointing to.

Now, let's look at a summary of what needs to be done in order to take advantage of blogging:

First, you need to setup a blog either at or one of the other online services mentioned earlier or create a blog on your own domain name & web hosting account.

Once you have your blog setup, it's time to start monetizing it by adding in contextual advertising such as Google Adsense and/or affiliate links. Now add in some targeted keyword anchor links that point back to your other websites.

All you have to do now is post quality information to your blog a couple times per week. Also, make sure that you are pinging after you make your new post. Sending out a ping is a way to let the search engines know that you have new content on your blog. The search engines will come to crawl your blog and start indexing your new content and follow all those targeted links that point back to your other websites.

As you can see blogging is a very powerful medium!

Now just keep posting quality information to your blogs, and if you keep up with it and continue to add new content on a regular basis, you'll start reaping the benefits of blogging like a pro.

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