Tuesday, January 03, 2006

How to Make Your Sales Letter Sell!

When writing a sales copy, most internet marketers agree that a long copy will typically sell more than a short copy. This does not mean that the more words the better; quantity can be good but quality of detail is most important.

Having the correct sales structure will keep the reader interested from start to finish. These are the steps to follow to create a successful sales letter:

1. USE A POWERFUL HEADLINE. Express the main benefit of your product in a short sentence. Grab your readers attention and make them want to continue reading. A "How to..." headline is usually a very good one to use.

2. CREATE EXCITEMENT WITH A SUB-HEADLINE. In no more than two or three short sentences, expand on the benefits of your product and generate excitement in your reader. If you are offering a limited promotion, specify the limitations of your offer here.

3. OUTLINE THE BENEFITS OF YOUR PRODUCT. Give the reader three good reasons to buy your product. These reasons have nothing to do with the product's features; think about what your customer wants. For example, if you are selling holiday villas, say something like:

"If you want to take advantage of the comfort of a luxury apartment, enjoy the Mediterranean sun and save money on your summer vacations, then this might be the most important letter you'll ever read"

4. EXPLAIN YOUR UNIQUE SELLING PROPOSITION. This is the specific benefit that differentiates your product from all the others. At this point, you must mention your USP in one or two sentences. You will explain the details later in the sales letter.

5. PROVE YOUR CREDIBILITY. The most important thing to sell on the internet is credibility. Your readers have to trust you before they will buy anything from you. Give them three reasons why they should believe you. Try to prove that what you say is true.

6. INCLUDE CUSTOMER TESTIMONIALS. In order to continue establishing credibility, mention testimonials of customers that have already bought from you and enjoyed your product. Have them mention what they liked most about the product instead of making general comments like "I really loved your product..." or something similar. Mention as many testimonials as you can and make sure they are true... Do NOT make them up!

7. EXPLAIN THE FEATURES AND BENEFITS OF YOUR PRODUCT. Explain how your product will improve your reader's life or how it will solve a problem. The more detail you can provide, the more convincing your copy will be.

8. PROVIDE MORE DETAIL ABOUT YOUR PRODUCT. Here is where you can tell the reader everything about your product. Use as much space as you need. Write until it becomes redundant or boring.

9. ELIMINATE THE COMPETITION. You eliminate your competition by giving your reader the information they need to see that your product is superior. Mention the elements where your product is excellent and much better and/or different than your competitor's.

10. BUILD VALUE. To build value in your offer you have to let your readers know that your offer is so good that they cannot refuse to take it. One way of doing this is to compare the value of your offer with the normal value of your product.

11. PROVIDE A SUMMARY OF EVERYTHING YOUR CUSTOMER WILL RECEIVE. Make sure your reader understands everything s/he is going to get from you.

12. MENTION THE PRICE OF YOUR PRODUCT. Mention the regular price and the sale price of your product. The regular price must be crossed out and the special sale price must follow.

13. GIVE BONUS PRODUCTS. The objective is to prompt immediate action by offering an extra bonus. With this strategy, you are also adding value to your product. You can also try to create a sense of urgency by telling that the bonuses will only be available for a short time.

14. OFFER A STRONG GUARANTEE. The strongest guarantee you can offer is a "money back" guarantee. The willingness to offer your product at no risk will generate a lot of trust and confidence among your readers. You have to honor your guarantee for any returns you may get, but you can be sure that the sales you will generate with this strategy will by far outnumber the returns.

15. RE-EMPHASIZE YOUR GUARANTEE. Remove all elements of risk by closing your sales copy with something like:

"You don't have to decide now if this product is for you. Just give it a try. If it doesn't do everything I say and more, if you don't save money, or if your business doesn't improve, or if your life isn't better, or if you don't absolutely love it, just let me know and I'll give you every cent of your money back! So you have nothing to lose and everything to gain."

16. TELL THEM HOW TO ORDER YOUR PRODUCT. Provide detailed instructions about how to place the order. Sound like a stupid thing to need to point out? You would be surprised how many people actually skip this step!

17. SIGN THE LETTER. Use your full name and title. Even online there are programs you can use to make a true copy of your signature and put it on your site.

18. CLOSE WITH A "P.S." Use this part to emphasize the most relevant points of your letter. Studies show that most readers will read a P.S. even if they only skim the rest of the sales copy.

Remember that this will be a long sales copy that will take your readers some time to read. With this in mind, you must work on the format and design of the copy so that it is as friendly as possible. Highlight the most important statements, so that the letter can also be read in one or two minutes.


Need More Help? Make Your Ads and Letters Sell Like Crazy

Written by Trent Brownrigg. Search this blog and the rest of this website for more information from Trent as well as tons of other home based business resources!

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