Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Top 10 Make Money Online Myths

Even though you may want to start your own internet home business so you can make money online and create a better life for you and your family, there are several excuses you might use for not doing it. Most of your excuses are simply make money online myths that you believe are true but really they are false. In this post I will show you the top 10 make money online myths and the truth behind them.

So, here are the top ten make money online myths:

Make Money Online Myth #1: I don't have the time to build an online business.

That's not true! It doesn't take an excessive amount of time to make money online and most people really aren't as busy as they think they are anyway. You probably have a full time job and a family to tend to. So what! Most people do. If you actually prioritize your time, you will find that you can spare a couple hours every day to build your online business. Most people that do have successful online home businesses were just like you when they started out. If you want something badly enough, you will find the time to make it happen.

Make Money Online Myth #2: It costs too much to start an online business.

Again, not true! You can start an online business for very cheap and it just keeps getting cheaper all the time. The cost of web hosting, domains, web design, programs, tools, resources, information, and everything else you might need for your online business only add up to a few dollars per day. And most of it you can find for free. Stop buying that $3 cup of coffee every morning and your business expenses are paid for!

Make Money Online Myth #3: I'm not smart enough to run an internet business.

I highly doubt that! You are obviously smart enough to work a computer and you were smart enough to find this post, so you are probably smart enough to run your own online business. You don't really have to be very smart to make money online and there's plenty of information and resources available for you to learn everything you need to know.

Make Money Online Myth #4: I'm not an expert at anything.

You'd be very surprised at how many topics you actually do know a lot about if you think hard about it. Besides, you don't have to be an expert in anything to make money online. I had a degree in Criminology and was working at a prison when I decided I wanted to start my own online business. I started researching information about making money online and had my business up and running in a matter of days. It wasn't long before I had quit my day job and was making a full time income from my home business.

Make Money Online Myth #5: I don't have an information product to sell so I can't earn money online.

So what! You don't need a product in order to start an online home business. There are plenty of products on just about every topic imaginable that you can sell as an affiliate. You can promote these existing products as an affiliate marketer and earn commissions on every sale you make. There are also plenty of other ways to make money online until you decide what you really want to do for your online business. Then, you can create your own product to sell later if you want.

Make Money Online Myth #6: There's too much competition so I will never make any money.

That's a lame excuse! There are millions upon millions of people searching for all sorts of topics you can be making money from every day. Plus there are thousands of new people who are coming online all the time that could be in your target market. With an online business your market is virtually unlimited! And if you have competition for your home business idea all that really means is that it's a good idea. Trust me, you can compete!

Make Money Online Myth #7: I've tried several online business ideas and failed. Making money online is just not my thing.

Well, you could be right on this one, however you are probably wrong. Your failure most likely stems from not sticking to one business idea and building it up. If you jump from one idea or opportunity to another without ever really giving any one of them a fair shot then failure is certain. You must put in sufficient effort and time into any online business idea before you will really make money or find any level of success.

Make Money Online Myth #8: The only people who make money online are the ones selling "how to make money online" products to newbies.

This is something I hear all the time and it's ridiculous! I've built a successful online business and have been making money online since 2003, and I still don't sell my own "how to make money online" product. Your online business can be built in any niche you want. You don't have to get into the MMO niche if you don't want to. There's an unlimited supply of great niches out there for you to profit from.

Make Money Online Myth #9: I need a lot of advertising dollars or I won't find any customers.

Nope, that's absolutely not true! The internet is the perfect place for marketing your home business without needing a lot of money to do so. There are many very effective ways to market and advertise your business on the internet and most of them are either free or very cheap. I've had my online business since 2003 and I have never spent a large sum of money on any marketing or advertising method.

Make Money Online Myth #10: Getting top search engine rankings is impossible and I can't make money without them.

Wrong again! In highly competitive niches it is very difficult to achieve top search engine rankings, but it's not impossible. It can be done if you put in enough time and effort to get there but you don't need to because there are plenty of profitable niches out there that are fairly easy to get top search engine rankings for. All you have to do is find a good niche, build a website around it, get it ranked highly, earn money, rinse and repeat. It's not very difficult.

Alright, that's it. The top 10 make money online myths and the truth about them. Don't convince yourself, or let anyone else tell you that you can't build a successful online home business. You can do it if you really want to. It won't exactly be easy, but nothing worth doing ever is. So get started right now so you can create financial freedom and a better future for you and your family.

Dedicated to your success,
Trent Brownrigg
How to Make Money Online

P.S. - Writing this post just gave me a great idea for another post. I think I will compile the Top 10 Ways to Make Money Online to publish on here soon. Look for it!

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