Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Are You Making Money or Wasting Your Time?

There are thousands of so-called "internet marketers" who are sitting at their computers right now trying to make money online. However, most of them are not making any money, or if they are making money, it's not nearly as much as they would like.

So, why is it that so many internet marketers are not making money? It's because they are wasting their time! There are countless ways you can waste your time when you are online. Even though you might think you are working, you aren't.

One way you might be wasting your time is by thinking that you are getting stuff done when you actually aren't doing anything productive at all. How many times a day do you check your email? How many times a day to you visit internet marketing forums and end up spending 30 minutes reading posts? How much time each day do you waste reading post after post on all your favorite make money online blogs? How much time do you waste each day just surfing the internet? I could go on and on but I think you get my drift. Just because you are online it doesn't mean you are working!

But that is not the biggest way people who consider themselves to be "internet marketers" waste their time. Most of them waste it by doing things that actually are building their online business but are not going to help them make money. One example of that is blogging. Yeah now I got your attention! You are probably wondering why the hell I would say that blogging is a waste of time and will not make you any money?

Let me explain...

In order to make money online, you need traffic to your blog. There is no way to get around this fact. However, when you are blogging away all day long every day you are forgetting to do one very important thing... Market your blog! As an "internet marketer" the most important part of your job is to market.

You might have the best blog in the world with more original content than all ten of the top blogs in your niche, but that means nothing if you don't get any visitors. You could have a blog that contains the #1 absolute best secret that everyone in the world needs to know, but if nobody knows about your blog they will never read it. Do you see what I mean? Unless people coming to your blog, you won't make money!

But not just any traffic will do either. You don't want untargeted traffic. You don't want Web 2.0 traffic. You don't want other internet marketers and bloggers as your main source of traffic. Why? Because none of these people will click your ads, buy from your affiliate links, or even notice any of the things you have on your blog that will make you money.

What you need is search engine traffic. The visitors you get to your blog from search engines are targeted, they are actively searching for your blog, and they don't have a clue what Adsense is or what affiliate links are. And if you have done your research and are in the right niche, they are ready to spend money. You will make money from these visitors!

Stop wasting every day posting a hundred times to your blog just hoping someone will come read it. Or wasting even more of your time on digg, furl, myspace, delicious, or any of the other social bookmarking and social networking sites that will only bring you the kind of traffic that won't make you any money.

Instead, spend more of your day getting inbound links and working on other search engine optimization techniques. Use as much time as you can each day getting your blog ranked at the top of the search engines and getting more of the kind of traffic you are looking for to make money online.

Doing this one simple thing will greatly increase your chances of making money online and becoming a full-time internet marketer to live the life you have always wanted. So stop wasting your time and start making money!

Dedicated to your success,
Trent Brownrigg
Owner of Free Money Making Tips

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

5 Top Money Making Blog Posts

Here are five posts I recommend from some of my favorite make money online blogs in the past couple weeks...

Multiple Income Streams - A very eye opening and informational video blog (vlog) that Vic made about making money online through multiple income streams. He never sugar coats his posts and this one is no different.

How To Increase PageRank and Keyword Authority - Court does a great job of explaining PR and keyword authority, and how you can increase both.

The Scourge of Web 2.0 - Griz delivers another killer post about how to really make money online by optimizing your blogs for search engines, getting links, niche blogging, and staying away from the web 2.0 crowd.

A Letter To My Parents - Monika writes a letter telling her parents the same thing we all would like to tell ours... that we are happy working at home and doing anything else we do with our lives and they should mind their own business.

How to have a Constant Stream of Blogging Ideas - Darren tells us how to keep our blog ideas coming so we can update our blogs regularly without running out of things to say.

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

How To Make Money From Home Quickly

Make Money From Home Quickly

When you need to make extra money you need it now not two months from now. I will review the top 3 ways to make money from home quickly. Making money from home is a popular interest. However, most who try fail. Why? Most of the information online is misleading. Many people are lured into money making hype by MLM, Direct Sales and Money schemes. What I am offering is straight forward and easy. The cost to get started is minimal and the income potential is enormous! Let's get started:

1) Ebay is free to join and the cost to list items for sale is inexpensive. If you need to make a quick $200 bucks this can be accomplished by going through your old, unwanted stuff at home and selling it on eBay. The things that sell well are antiques, artwork, clothing and electronics. Go through your stuff and do some searches in eBay to see the going prices. Structure your ad and prices with similar products. Remember, pictures and detailed descriptions will add value to your product no matter what you are selling.

2) Craigslist has made many millionaires and is the essence of making money from home quickly. The traffic this site gets is huge. By placing a classified ad in the appropriate category almost guarantees immediate exposure. The key to selling on Craigslist is not being too detailed and aiming your ad to just get the prospect to click on your link. Just like eBay include a picture to build interest. Get the prospect to click on your affiliate link and 90% of the job is done. The sky's the limit on what sells on Craigslist. Remember to target your ad to the right audience, spell check your ads and build interest and a sense of urgency. Using humor and negative outcomes are best. Tell someone how to avoid a negative outcome and you'll get the click.

3) Clickbank is the number one online resource to sell digital products that other people design. It is totally possible to sign-up for a free Clickbank membership, build some links, post some ads and be cash positive in a few hours if not minutes. I've placed ads for some products and within 30 minutes I've had a sale! When you make up to 75% on each sale it is very possible to just sell Clickbank products and make $50,000 or more each year with minimal effort.

Making money from home quickly can be easy. It can also be hard if you follow the herd and jump on the next best thing. If you follow these three steps, determine your needs you can make money. Review your resources, write out your goals and set a deadline. If you stick to your goals and learn as you go you will see profits.

About the author:

Tracy Mullins is a freelance content writer who lives in Denver Colorado with his four boys. Tracy has a wide range of experience and enjoys writing to educate and help others how to make extra money from home. You can read more about him and his recommended resources at: Tracy's Website.


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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

How to Get A PR6 Website in 2 Hours!

I am about to tell you how to get a PR6 website in as little as two hours!

If you know anything about internet marketing then you know that getting a PR6 website usually takes a lot of time, patience, hard work, and probably quite a bit of money. Even then it's very difficult to make it to a PR6 and most webmasters never do get there, no matter how hard they try.

But you can get a PR6 website without spending countless hours and waiting months, or even years, to get it only to never reach that point. And you can do it TODAY!

How? It's actually quite simple...

Now you are probably thinking I just uncovered the best kept secret in internet marketing when I figured this out, but the truth is that what I'm about to tell you is not really anything amazing or earth-shattering. There are actually plenty of internet marketers that already know about this but not a lot of them are willing to tell the world about it.

I’m not lying at all when I say I know how to quickly get a high PR site, but I am purposely messing with you a little bit here just to keep you crazy with anticipation. But I suppose I will get to the point of this post now...

There are thousands of domains at any given time that the owners don't want anymore for whatever reason and you can get them VERY cheap. Most of them are only $5 and you can sometimes even get the higher PR ones at that price. Usually the ones with higher PR are a little more but still not much. I've gotten quite a few of them for $10-$50, which is a steal for an established domain with built up PR.

You see GoDaddy.com has a place called The Domain Name Aftermarket where you can see all these domains listed for sale. From there, you can bid on expired or expiring soon domains. If you sit down and take the time to go through all the cheap domains and do some research on the ones that you think might be useful to you, then you can come away with a great domain that already has some PR and has been established.

Ok so the chances of you finding a PR6 domain in two hours, as the title of this post suggests, is slim but it can definitely be done. I found one a few weeks ago that was PR6 in less than an hour and the bid on it was only at $45 but it still had a couple hours left on the auction. I was going to come back and bid at the last minute but of course I forgot and didn't get it. I also have a friend who has scored two PR6 domains in the past couple months and he got them both for less than $20 each.

What's more likely is that you will find PR1, PR2, and PR3 domains. In fact, I found four PR3 domains earlier today that were all still priced as low as $10. I bid on one of them and won the auction. It will be transferred over to me in a few days.

But even getting a PR3 domain for just a few bucks in less than an hour is freaking amazing! Throw up a website or blog on one of those PR3 domains and you are way ahead of where you would have been if you registered a new domain. It can be developed into a higher PR site much more quickly and you don't have to worry about being sandboxed by Google, because the domain is already aged. Plus, all things being equal, a site like this will increase in search engine rankings more quickly anyway.

Not to mention, if you do happen to land a PR4, PR5, PR6, or higher domain just think of all the things you could do to make money from it. You would have just landed on a goldmine for the price of a nugget. One thing you could do right away is link it to your other sites to boost their PR and rankings. You could also put up a mini site promoting an affiliate product and push it quickly to the top of Google so you can really cash in.

Another thing you could do is put up a site on it and then resell it. You could easily get a few hundred or even a few thousand dollars for a site with good PR even if it doesn't have anything else going for it. Plus, there's always paid reviews. You could do a bunch of paid reviews and make a lot of money very quickly. You'd have people lining up to pay you a good amount for a review on a PR6 website. Of course, if you did that it would eventually get slapped by Google and the page rank would be taken away, but that wouldn't matter because you would have already cashed in a huge return on investment from it.

Basically, the possibilities are endless! With a very minimal investment and a couple hours of your time you could have at least one PR3 domain (most likely more) and you might even find yourself a proud owner of a PR6 or higher domain.

So, go start sorting through the domain auctions and find yourself a goldmine right now!

Dedicated to your success,
Trent Brownrigg
Free Online Money Making Tips

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